I spent the day running down the block to check on the dog. She had a patch of grass, shade and water. I went and bought dog food. She damn near bit me when I put the food down. I put the food in a Styrofoam bowl. She tried to eat the bowl when the food was gone. I fed her three times through out the day. Each time was like this. She slept like the dead most of the day in spite of the construction. The neighbor beside her said she had heard the dog whimpering for the past three days. Neighbor is an elderly woman. She said she knew the parents of one of the apes who owns her. Said she would call the parents to come and take care of the dog. I was still cleaning so did not see anyone arrive, but by ten p.m. there were lights on in the house and she was not tied up outside.
I called the police who were sympathetic but not helpful. Pound was full to splitting. No place to put her. I volunteer to take her. Owners of the house nixed that idea but said they would use their pull to try to find a place for her. I called the Humane Society. I got a recording. It is staffed by all volunteers. I left my message. Secretary at the police department said the humane society people investigate animal abuse and usually are able to help the animal. The cop said he would drive by periodically in the next few days and if she was without food, water or shade would, "Put the fear of God in those boys."
I was a nurse too long to expect a perfect outcome. This was good enough. The little dog, actually she is not so little just skinny, is inside and I hope has food and water. I hope the parents took her home. I hope the humane society can get her out of there. When the owners come home I will tell them to expect the Humane society and the cops to be checking on them. I have dog food in reserve if needed and got it okayed to bring her here and tie her to my tree if they leave her alone for more than eight hours. I hate renting.
Speaking of renting. The electricity in half the house quit yesterday. The half with the washer and dryer in it. I washed a set of sheets in the bath tub and then dried them on the line. After much time wasting investigation it was determined the electrical problem has nothing to do with the construction and is integral to the house. It is the weekend and the owners don't want to pay for an electrician until Monday. Stove and fridge and fans work. It is the best I am going to get. Good news. The water is on for the whole weekend.
I could not sleep last night. But I didn't eat. Amazing. I am drained and guilt ridden and sad this morning. I remember the feeling. I came home from work with it every night for twenty years. Life is not fair and my efforts will not make it so. But I did what I could and sure made a lot of noise. Odd thing. Most of the people on the street stopped me yesterday to thank me for trying to help the dog. I didn't know anyone else cared or noticed. What a world.
Okay guests arrive in four hours. Have to put sheets on one bed, revac living room and sweep porch. I am not cooking one darn thing. We are going out to eat.
Take care of yourselves. Pray for the little dog, and me. Love Bea
What an exhausting time! I wouldn't cook a darn thing, either!
That was very brave of you to be so proactive with the dog. A lot of the people probably thanked you because they didn't have the chutzpah to do it themselves.
When your guests come, try to find some time to relax and enjoy their company. Hope it goes well. And good luck with the electricity!
I had the same problem at my old house with a next door neighbor who mistreated pets, and was clueless when confronted about it. Clueless and self righteous. I will pray for you and doggie. I know how it is. We had a street full of dog lovers intervening and advocating for those dogs, and theere are still ongoing dog issues as far as I know. But I was happy find other dog lovers to bond with and that I was not alone in my plight to protect the dogs. It helped ease the outrage over the abusive people. And I know the dogs are being watched over even now. We are sensitive people and we can't help but feel the pain when we see things like this. It is just part of us. I'd rather feel deeply and endure some pain and be me today than to be numb or look the other way. I am glad you were there to save the doggie and I am praying for the two of you. Your loving Panda friend.
Bea...thank you for helping that dog. Thank you for showing her that humans can be humane. Thank you.
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