Monday, July 23, 2007


Mark's Mom and Sister here. We have water. Still no electricity in half the house. No electricians to be had. Bunches of new construction and they do not want to be bothered with a small job like us. I guess I will get used to going to the washateria. ( Don't you love that word. So much more expressive than laundromat.) Little dog is gone. I hope the kid's parents have her. We are going to look at a house to buy this afternoon. It is small and old and charming. I am going to get shed of some of this stuff I own one way or another. This house would do it. No dining room for starters. But where would I store my crap if not on the dining room table? Okay back to hostessing.

Take care. Love Bea


Cindy said...

You will store your crap somewhere no matter what. Old and charming sounds nice. Washateria is quite a word. The no water thing has to be wearing on you. Little dog is probably eating and drinking and healing somewhere safe. Happy hostessing!

Vashta Narada said...

There's nothing like moving, and to a smaller place, to make you declutter and let go of the excess in your life.

Believe me, even if you don't have a dining room table, you will find a "dumping ground" for stuff -- my one kitchen counter is infamous for it.

Have fun hostessing!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you resolved the dog problem. I certainly hope she is in a safe, secure place with lots of love. Having your own place sounds like it would fit you. There's lots more latitude in what you can do when you own rather than rent. Moving is always a pain but at least you wouldn't have to leave friends and all that is familiar now. I have never moved and de-cluttrered at the same time - that's why we have that storage area downtown!! Leaving it all for the kids to sort out when we are gone!! Love, Marti