Thursday, November 13, 2008


Fourteen people are due here at 6pm tomorrow night. I am cleaning like mad. I have the upstairs done and will soon have the kitchen done. Bathrooms I will do later this evening. Living room and bedroom I will do tomorrow along with setting the table. Will be lovely to have the house clean from top to bottom before the holidays get here. We are doing pot luck so my cooking is at a minimum. I am using paper everything. I finally got the living room curtains done and the laundry room shampooed. Yeah for me.

I am stressed so am eating. I am eating nuts. I have begun to hate nuts. I want peppermint candy. Do you think you can get addicted to peppermint? I even dreamed about it last night. Very odd. Peppermint tea helps with the craving but is sure not as good as those red and white starlight mints. I am totally off chocolate. Finally got on the scale. I gained three pounds. Good grief. I don't have time to hate myself today so I guess the three pounds will just have to remain three pounds.

Mentor Mary is holding her own. Her children and all her church family have rallied round. They ended up having two funerals, and a memorial service at the high-school. Fifteen year old Donna was well loved.

More next week if I survive the dinner party. How I am going to fit fourteen people in our kitchen is the question. Mark said the men could stand around in the mud room holding their plates and talk hunting and football. He said this sort of wistfully. Men are just odd.

Take care. Love Lynn


Vickie said...

the men in another room made me think of my mother's family. They were farmers - the men were always OUT and the women were both in and out - but always up by the house. I have always thought this has so much to do with my feelings about keeping men away - it just seems like they should be putting on their hats and boots and heading OUT. . .

Annimal said...

14 people is a HUGH undertaking! I should think you'll lose those 3 pounds just cleaning, fetching and carrying!
Have a ball with your company. I really enjoy casual entertaining. No "Martha Stewart" dinners for me. Give me a big hearty meal with lots of relaxed good-natured joshing. (I'd be with the guys in the mud room talking football)

Helen said...

So sorry to hear about Mary's loss...tragic. :-(

Hope you had fun with the matter where they all sat. ;-)