Lent is coming. I am so relieved.
I will get to give up television for a month and a half. I willl experience much during this time, and I will have no t.v. to clutter up what I am experiencing. It is like waking up from a long drugged sleep when I quit watching television. I notice for the first time in months what is going on around me. I get the house cleaned, the bills organized and paid and friends called or emailed. I plan and shop for our meals. I exercise. I read after supper and go to bed early. I suddenly have room in my life to live.
That stupid black box sucks up me and gives nothing back. I do realize that my television is like a gun, it is the user who is the problem. I avoid real life by watching fake life. I substitute passive reception for active learning. I am not the first one to recognize the connection between tube viewing and eating. I take in and get or give nothing back. It is all about me. Self gratification with diminishing returns. Except my weight that does not diminish.
I am fine. I am snowed under. A foot of snow fell this week. Oh well, this too shall melt.
I will be writing more...often.
love bea