Saturday, October 11, 2008


And how. Three or four inches since noon and Montana is getting it worse than we are.

Mark is in the basement re-making the rickety storm windows we threw together last year. We are more prepared for this storm than the first one of the season in 2007. I spent last week washing windows and curtains and blankets and rugs. Was fine weather for drying stuff on the line. We put all the lawn furniture away and took down the wasp catchers. I covered my rose bush and pulled up the geraniums and put them in paper bags in the basement. I raked up a bushel of windfall half rotten apples. We reinforced the new gutter system on the garage. I made some stew.

I am looking forward to this winter. I am going to rest. I have about a million books I am longing to read and I am going to see if I still remember how to sew. I need to hibernate. I have a bunch of stuff weighing on my mind and I want to sort it all out. I can't sort anything while running from hither to yon in the bright sunshine. The "silver days" as Mentor Mary calls them are just what the doctor ordered I think. Much as I raz Helen about the California sunshine, I don't think I would like it. I need winter. It somehow settles my soul.

Speaking of soul, I need to go and put together my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. I am teaching the adult class again this year. We are going to continue on in Exodus. It may take us forty years to finish.

Take care of yourselves and STAY WARM. Love Bea


Lori G. said...

It's very strange to imagine snow for me in my part of the country now. But it's coming, I suppose.

It sounds like you are battening down the hatches and taking care of things.

Have you read Blogging the Old Testament in It was really fascinating and very educational (to me). Take care of yourself!

Cindy said...

I love winter and I love hibernating! It sounds wonderful. Hard to believe it - have you been in your house a year now? I can't remember.

Annimal said...

Oh yes, we got the storm of the century and since it was over the weekend and no where to go, I loved every minute of it. Estimates are between 22-30 inches. We had the wood box full, the chimney swept and the attic newly insulated. I made Beef stew, baked squash and real- vanilla sugar cookies.
Tucked in with an Elizabeth George novel. Ahh, life is good.

Helen said...

I love snow too...and I love that I can choose to go to it! ;-) I can't wait for skiing...and snuggling up...and reading...and smelling fires in fireplaces...

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