Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Directions

I got up and walked on the treadmill this morning. First time in a long time I have walked other than from fridge to sofa. We were trying to walk outside but at -36 degrees it was just too cold.

I have been for a massage and received much help. Thank-God for Sheri. Without her I'd have been eating the carpet by now. I have also been to see the Chiropractor. Turns out my back trouble is more than just too much snow shoveling. My right hip is out of whack due to tight hamstrings. I was adjusted and given some yoga like exercises to do. (Boy do I miss Yoga Jan.) I am sore this morning but hope to be feeling better soon. I have an appointment to talk to the Pilate's lady to see if I can do the exercises and not go broke doing it. Keep your fingers crossed as I would really like to learn these exercises. I have an appointment in half an hour to get my hair cut and colored. Things are looking up.

I chickened out of going to see the therapist. I am not ready to accept a psychological diagnosis of some sort and become part of the case load at our small counseling center. They do not treat or counsel about eating disorders here. I would have to go to Jackson for that help. May be just my pride stopping me. If so I will get over it and make an appointment. I will get to see my proposed therapist in action at a lecture she is giving on the 23rd. I probably won't do anything until after that.

I am not ready to start an overeating support group. I NEED support right now. I do not want to expend my meagre energies setting up anything. I did put a bug in the ear of the counseling center. I also fired up our pastor about the need for this kind of group. Maybe when I get abstinent I will be willing to put more effort into initiating the thing.

And about that abstinence. I know how I want to go about it this time. I am putting a support system in place for my food and emotional/spiritual help. I am not going to try to go it alone this time. I am optimistic about the outcome. I will let you know when all is ready to go. OK, now off to get rid of this brownish hair.

Take care. Love Bea

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