Thursday, May 1, 2008

I need a new plan Stan.

Vickie's post nearly knocked my socks off. The only thing permanent is change.

I am trying to do the same things diet wise I did in 2006 and get the same results in 2008. And it is not working. You know why, because two flipping years have passed and things change. I have been refusing to give up and move on.

I plateaued a year ago at 181 pounds. This morning I weighed 190. I have been steadily gaining for a year. I am scared spitless. (I don't mean spitless but am trying to cut down on the swearing.) You have all seen me floundering around trying to figure out how to stop the relapsette.

I am sick of Kay Shepard's food plan (or any food plan.) But I am scared to abandon it as it was so successful for me. I believe Intuitive Eating is the way to go but feel I am not strong enough to do it. So I flip flop around trying to do some fruitcake combination of both. I have a foot in each camp and it is stressing me out. I eat when I am stressed out. Phooey.

Vickie's post made me realize I need to move on in spite of my fear. I will take all the wonderful stuff I learned on Kay Shepard's plan and apply it to healthy intuitive eating. And on that note I have subscribed to a new discussion group about normal eating. I will let you all know how it goes and the link for the site next week.

Keep me in your prayers and wish me luck.

Take care. Love Bea

P.S. Markovian theory of road rage. All men have invisible testosterone fields/shields around them. Personal space is based on the strength of the shield. If a man with a big shield gets into a small car his shield is crushed. Hence: road rage. I guess size does matter.


Grumpy Chair said...

That post hit me too. I thought she was "speaking" directly to me. I lost 30 pounds by end of 2006 and have gained back 2/3 of it since last year.

I wish you luck in your "successful changes".

ar said...

I can relate Bea because I am helplessly binging. But can understand that that is different from you. You have made your peace and are marking your road for recovery. That is ENORMOUS PROGRESS.

One thing I thought, but am probably the last one to tell you since you are much more of an expert in this, but have you thought about checking yourself out medically? Especially the hormones and your thyroid. Perhaps you need some adjustments in your thyroid medicine? Again, just thinking about it, and possibly you have already sorted this out.

Am really happy for you as I think you have made a major BIG stride. You will see, it will come right. Your mind is already there, your body just needs to follow and is now looking at tools to do it with. It will definitely come your way.

Cindy said...

My food plan is always changing. It depends on what I have in the house, where I am, what I have access to, what I can afford. But I do apply principles that I have learned, like Kay, South Beach, weight watchers, etc. I just shoot for lean protien, avoid the white flour/sugar things, go for veggies. I also make sure I get a big does of fiber every day. I have been doing this slowly and forgiving myself often, and seeing what I can live with. I can't stick rigidly to anything, it makes me go nuts and dive into a tub of ice cream.

Cindy said...

My food plan is always changing. It depends on what I have in the house, where I am, what I have access to, what I can afford. But I do apply principles that I have learned, like Kay, South Beach, weight watchers, etc. I just shoot for lean protien, avoid the white flour/sugar things, go for veggies. I also make sure I get a big does of fiber every day. I have been doing this slowly and forgiving myself often, and seeing what I can live with. I can't stick rigidly to anything, it makes me go nuts and dive into a tub of ice cream.

Nory Roth said...

Isn't the very definition of insanity "doing the same thing, but expecting a different outcome"? I do this ALL the time. I think -- Gee! Maybe I could just tweak the cake, cookie, candy, pie diet, and it just might work this time. (RIGHT!)

But I do know this -- we've all done it before -- and we can all do it again!!! It's just nailing it to the "sticking post" and getting on with it that's so doggone hard!!!