Monday, August 6, 2007

Short and Sweet

He bought her a dog house! I noticed it yesterday when we drove past. Also there have been more people over there lately and she has been tied up less. I hope they are playing with her in the house. A doghouse. Yeah. Now at least she will have shelter when it rains.

Mud has abated. I now again have clear water running from the faucets. Water heater works again. I cleaned the muddy ice cubes out of the ice maker. Fair is over. When the rain stopped a bunch of men came over and pulled the stuck truck out of our yard. Waiting for the appraisal on the house. Hope it comes in near the asking price. No fence yet. There is electricity in the laundry room today and I am able to wash. The hallelujah chorus plays here. Gearing up for more relatives on Friday. Could be a busy week.

Take care of yourselves. Love Bea. Oh, I went back on my food plan. It was a relief. That Intuitive Eating was stressing me out. However I will go back to it after we get moved. The whole subject of allowing myself to choose how and when and what I will eat is fascinating. Take care.


Cindy said...

Wow that prayer for enemies works fast. A doghouse. It is a step. maybe your rant got through to him even though his pride would not allow him to show it at the time. I just caught up on all of your posts I missed while in Ohio. I've been to the depths and back a few times over about that short romance I had with a boy who made me feel like Shit. Is it okay to say Shit in my comments? I just can't think of a better word. Anyway I am writing off that relationship as a figment of my imagination since a majority of it went on in my head. Like an LSD flashback or something. But your writing in your post about power really helped me this morning. I have been real spiritual and trippy lately, a good thing, but then I have moments where I crash for a bit thinking about my MISTAKE with the boy. Anyway, pray for me. Your prayers are powerful. Thank You

Vashta Narada said...

Glad to hear things are improving. But it sounds like things are still hectic, so you're right to do what you need to do in order to keep your stress down to a minimum.